Monday, November 12, 2007


Our Pemberley Promenade is over for another year, sigh!  It went so very well, with lovely costumes, beautiful dancing, and volumes of dainties to eat.

Myself, the Organizer and Dance Leader,
as Little Red Riding Hood

My family:  Older Son as The Wolf, 
Husband in a kilt, and Younger Son as a Tiger

My friend, as Autumn

The contest winners

Another friend


  1. Lovely pictures!  Thank you! 
    I KNEW your older son was a werewolf!!!!  *is most highly amused*

  2. I got to see some shots on Facebook (Ian G.), so my appetite for more pictures was quite high. It looks like so much fun! I wish I could have been there.

  3. This looks like so much fun!  You would love my friends the Meyers who live in the Enchanted Barn, they love to throw period parties like this.  They are homeschoolers too.  I somehow got behind on your posts, and I love the one about Mayapples.  Never heard of making jelly!  I always look around them for morels in the spring.

  4. Thank you for sharing the photos. We have friends who were there and I know your young friend in the last picture from summer camp, where he is never that well attired.  :)

  5. you know, this is probably a lame comment, but when you type in "TheChickadeeFeeder" - that's a lot of /e/s. And BTW, you make a very cute Little Red. I hope you kept to the path and well away from that Big Bad Wolf.

  6. Thank you so much for the encouragement.  I am keeping the faith!  We have so many chickadees right now, I love them.
