Thursday, February 8, 2007

Homeschool's Joy

Here’s a joy of homeschooling I’ve never heard anyone mention:  the opportunity to be crude, rude, and ill-bred during spelling dictation.  Keeps the boredom away, and gives that good dose of giggles and groans that everyone needs as often as an apple a day.  This morning I was able to be creative with an illness theme:

croaked          He croaked and then vomited.
does               He does not want to vomit.
moaned          He moaned when he vomited.
owned             He owned a bucket into which he vomited.

You get the idea!

Yes, I should be extremely embarrassed to be revealing this side of my personality.  I do these things mainly because I get such indignation and consternation from my son—what a blast to get a rise out of him!